kepade you alls yang kat luar sane...(yang kenal I je la kan)
maybe some of u knew who this mysterious person is...
for those who doesn't...ni la den nak bagi taw...hahahaha...
Farysa is me...haha...yo yo o je kan???
tapi mmg betul...kalo terbalikan my name dapat la Farysa..
haha...mcm formula fizik la kan..hahaha...so u alls dah taw kan...x yah la tanye2 ag yer..
penat nak menjawab...
hmmm...bagus soalan tu...hmm..
well dah 18 tahun hidup ngan name Asyraf...
and bile dah ade interest in something baru rase mcm si Asyraf ni pemalas sangat...
so Farysa nie rajin..hahaha...
Trust me i know them better k..hahaha...
si Farysa nie lebih kepade fabulosity and style..
high in sense of fashion...
Farysa lives in a glamourus life...
Si Asyraf...dye manly skit...suke science...suke taw bende baru...
and likes to find out abt something in a different angle...
mostly in the eyes of science...
Farysa ni bukan nye orang yang lepak kat bank tiap2 malam k...
i know he's into fashions and stuffs....
but he is not GAY!!!...hahaha...
farysa nie professional sket...dye high class...
x cakap ngan orang yang dye rase xde class and x tetap pendirian...dye macam kimora...he is all abt "u respect me then i respect u"...dye rase mcm experience and education yang penting...dye x suke kat orang2 yang low in education and orang2 yang closed minded sume...and dye utamekan priority dye...komited ngan kerje and akan buat ape yang dye sepatutnye buat...
Asyraf baek..sopan santun....he minggles with everyone...hahaha...dye terima sume orang...xkire la orang tu baek ke jahat ke...dye ni mcm Obama...hahaha....he thinks that everyone is perfect by the way they r...dye x judge...dye suke tolong orang...he likes to hang out...live life to the max...haha
well persamaan ade 2...
1. dorang benci orang RACIST!!!!!!!
2. dorang adelah orang yang same...cume perwatakkan yang len...
haaaaaa...ni la gambar si Farysa and si Asyraf tu...dgn penampilan baru..hahahahahahahahaha...