
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Just live the best of your life...


dah lame x update blog nie kan???hehehe....sorry yer dear readers...sejak kebelakangan nie xde mood la nak update...
hmm..mylife skarang........
cam biase jer....filled with stress.....

foundation in science.....susah gile dow.....
pastu lately ade department kat AIMST wants to charge me RM 7,200.00..
the heck?!?!?!?!
hahaha...nak taw kenape???
as some of u know i stay alone in a 4 per ade la letak barang sket2 kat tempat2 yang
len...1 hari ni Mr Raj went to my room pulek...kantoi...they are charging RM 1,800 per month for 4 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!the heck????
well...its my fault la jugak kan???
hehehe...anyways...masalah tu sume dah settle coz Mr Raj bek sangat2..he helped
me...hehe.....then term 3 is going good....except for the part tat we got a psyco bio lecturer...adoiyai!!!!!!!!!!!!!kalo nak start citer pasal dye....2 hari x abes taw......ish2.....she doesnt know her facts....and i think she PMS everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!kerje dye asik menjerit jer dalam lecture hall....hmmm....

satu lagi....ish banyak gile nak cerite nie...hhmmm.....28th november i went to KL...
initially i want to go to times square...hehe./..nak jumpe seri...mmg g sane ngan
seri...gosh she screamed!!!!!!malu jer....
then kitoraang g Pavi...we went for toilet break...i finished early of course...hehehe...then i sat at the bench waiting for seri....

then i saw this foreign girl....she was sooooo familiar...dye tgh
cakap ngan sape tah...then she walked away from them...the suddenly it came to my
mind....OMG!!!!!!!!!!! ITS HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i terus went to her...straiht away i asked..."excuse me...are u JASLENE GONZALEZ FROM
guess what she said??
yeah i am...she was really humble...patut la dye berjaye kan???hehehe
the i tangkap gambar ngan dye...

ni la i ngan jaslene gonzalez...hehehe...jangan jealous yall...

then bukan tu jer,,,i sempat berjumpe dengan yasmin hani and zizan the actor...hehehe...zizan kan same birthday dengan i taw.....hehe...perlu ke upload photo???xpe la..letak je la yer...hehehe...
nie i dengan zizan...hehehe....

nie i dengan yasmin hani...hehehe...

dah abes dengan celebs...and move on...hehehe...

now...cerite orang taman i pulak...eiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!geram taw dengan orang taman nie...
mulut drang mmg x leh nak tutop!!!!!!!!!!
ish...x suke betul..ok i pakai shawl and scarfs and what?????its trend ok...just because dorang x taw anything abt fashion doesnt mean i cant wear anything fashionable...sian aku taw....
i and asyraf kecik tu asik kene je ngan drang...hish...tunggu la i jadi fashion designer nnty...bukak label.....kan acap now its 5:34am 01.01.2010...hehehe new year baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!haha...
k la... gud nite....
take care...